Venaseal Glue Embolization

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Treatment Brief

The VenaSeal treatment is inserting a very little amount of VenaSeal vein glue into the vein through a small tube. Blood is instantly rerouted through other healthy veins in the leg once the affected vein is blocked. VenaSeal, unlike other treatments, does not necessitate a regional nerve block or huge amounts of anesthesia.Further more, no pre-procedure medicines are required, and patients can resume their normal activities immediately following treatment. Unlike heat-based techniques like endovenous laser or radio frequency ablation, there is no risk of skin burns or nerve damage with VenaSeal.



Advantages of VenaSeal Treatment

  • No heat, no tumescent anesthesia, less needle sticks
  • Non-destructive, allowing immediate return to normal activities
  • Less post-procedure pain and bruising
  • No need for compression stockings

We’re always looking at new ways to improve the patient experience at Dallas Vein Institute, which is why we’re ecstatic to be one of the first vein clinics in the Dallas region to offer VenaSeal to our patients.

Improved Patient Experience No Heat, No Tumescence, Fewer Needlesticks

Thermal ablation devices, such as radiofrequency and laser treatment, work by applying short bursts of focused heat to the inside of the vein that cause the vein to collapse. Over time, the treated vein is replaced by connective tissue as it heals from the thermal treatment. Many medically beneficial procedures are destructive in nature, so individuals considering treatment shouldn’t find this type of approach alarming. However, thermal treatment does requires certain safeguards to protect patients from the adverse effects of extreme heat – one of which is the use of tumescent anesthesia. Tumescent anesthesia is a liquid that numbs the treatment area while providing a heat conducting medium for the safe delivery of thermal energy.

Covering the entire length of a vein with anesthesia can require several uncomfortable needlesticks. On the other hand, VenaSeal treatment is entirely non-thermal and, therefore, does not require tumescent anesthesia. In other words: fewer needlesticks and a more comfortable procedure.

Immediate Return to Normal Activities

Another advantage of VenaSeal is that it accomplishes vein closure in a relatively non-destructive way. Medical-grade adhesive is delivered in small increments along the length of the vein followed by brief compression of the vein, not unlike sealing a small straw with super glue. The non-thermal nature of VenaSeal treatment makes it particularly easy for patients to return to work and resume moderate exercise immediately following their procedure, whereas it can take patients a few days to fully recover from thermal ablation.

This point is further emphasized in human studies directly comparing VenaSeal to thermal ablation, which have demonstrated that treatment with VenaSeal sees less post-procedural pain and bruising than treatment with thermal ablation.

No Compression Stockings

Medical-grade compression stockings have long been an integral part of minimally invasive vein treatment. When one of our patients receives an ablation treatment, we recommend that patient to wear compression stockings for 3-5 days following treatment. Stockings help to manage post-operative pain and reduce the risk of procedure-related complications. Unfortunately, medical stockings are notorious for being uncomfortable. And ditching the stockings early, which is all too common, may stretch out the recovery process.
Because the VenaSeal ‘glue’ seals the vein shut within minutes of application, patients usually aren’t required to wear compression stockings. Removing the need for post-procedure compression stockings eases the recovery process and eliminates concerns about stocking compliance.


class SampleComponent extends React.Component { 
  // using the experimental public class field syntax below. We can also attach  
  // the contextType to the current class 
  static contextType = ColorContext; 
  render() { 
    return <Button color={this.color} /> 

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